Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gum Disease. The Canary In The Coal Mine : Get Your Teeth Cleaned And Regular Checkups.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

We Do Laser treatment of Cold Sores And Canker Sores

How Do Lasers Treat Cankers and Cold Sores?

Oh, the future of glorious. At one time the only remedy for cold sores and cankers were topical treatments and oral medications. Today, dentists make use of dental lasers to provide patients with pain relief and healing from cold sores and cankers.

Traditional Treatments

Traditional treatments for cold sores and cankers are limited to oral and topical medications. The downside to these creams and medications is that the healing process can take longer to start and you can never be sure if you’re going to have a reaction to new treatments.
Some treatments that contain steroids or vitamin therapy treatments can actually make the problem worse than it was before. For individuals who don’t want the pain of side effects, they might consider home remedies. Even though home remedies commonly create less side effects, they can also be less effective. There is another option.
Enter the healing power of lasers.
In the spirit of Star Trek, dentists have turned to lasers to make the world a better place. Dental lasers have been used since the 1990s, and they can be much more effective than any other cold sore or canker treatment.
When a patient visits their dentist for treatment, the laser used is completely painless. The only sensation felt during the procedure is a sensation of warmth where the laser is being applied. The laser works in two major ways:
  • The laser deadens the nerve cells around the area providing near-instant pain relief.
  • The laser promotes healing in biostimulation, meaning your body increases collagen formation.
While a medication can take weeks to have a full, healing effect, the healing process from lasers beings within a matter of days.

The Benefits

There are many reasons to opt for laser treatment rather than other traditional treatments:
  • The treatment is affordable and may even be covered by your insurance provider
  • Relief from pain is nearly instant when the laser is used
  • You’re sitting in the dentist char for just a few minutes while the procedure is being done
  • Cold sores can recur with less frequency and less intensity after treatment
  • You won’t feel a thing when the laser is being used
  • Individuals who get the treatment as soon as possible don’t develop a cold sore
Laser treatments, unlike traditional medications, can allow a person to move on with the more important things in their life.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

We now offer Soft Tissue Laser services In Office

Epic Pro is the first professional-grade diode laser for experienced laser dentists seeking predictable, minimally invasive solutions for soft-tissue management. It provides practical, clinical, and financial value to dental practices looking to redefine what it means to manage soft-tissue.
Epic Pro is the first industrial-strength diode laser in dentistry and offers the most power of any diode on the market, providing truly unique features for managing tissue more gently. It features industry first, super thermal pulse technology, real-time automatic power control, and pre-initiated pro tips with smart tip technology, to provide unmatched cutting speed, consistency, safety, and precision.
This diode laser can cut four times faster than a classic diode laser with minimal collateral damage because of the latest breakthrough in diode laser technology—automatic power control. In this treatment mode, the laser in continuous wave mode converts light energy to thermal power at the tip. Laser energy is adjusted automatically in real time to maintain constant thermal power. The result is extremely constant and reliable cutting conditions, regardless of speed of movement, tissue type, etc.
In super thermal pulse mode, Epic Pro can achieve ten times the peak power of a standard diode laser in short micro-pulses for the highest cutting efficiency and safety. In this mode, when the laser is activated, power bursts are emitted with a preset pulse width (duration), while maintaining a precise thermal level at the tip. Epic Pro is powered on only about 3% to 5% of the time, meaning that it is not firing 95% of the time, giving tissue ample time to relax between pulses.
It features new factory initiated Epic PI Pro Tips, enabling predictable, reliable tissue cutting every time. The Epic PI Pro tip is the first tip where initiation material is inside of the quartz fiber material, creating a veneer-like surface on the fiber tip, built for robust and long-lasting performance. The new Epic PI Pro tips also feature smart tip technology, where there is a built-in tip integrity indicator, to ensure that cutting is consistent, precise, and fast every time.
Epic Pro has the largest display (7 inches) of any diode laser in the market and features an easy-to-use graphical user interface, with intuitive procedural categories, over twenty factory presets, and quick access to your list of favorite settings. Epic Pro also features a quick start mode that allows you to initiate treatment faster and standard/advanced modes allowing unlimited control and flexibility to match the practitioner’s skill level.
The Epic Pro is the most advanced diode laser on the market, offering the best-in-class price-to-feature ratio, providing similar clinical outcomes to that of Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers at a fraction of the price in a small portable package.
Product Highlights
• Cuts four times faster than a classic diode laser with minimal collateral damage
• Can achieve ten times the peak power of a standard diode laser in short micro-pulses for the highest cutting efficiency and safety
• Industry’s first, super thermal pulse and real-time automatic power control modes, and pre-initiated tips with smart tip technology
• Unmatched cutting speed, consistency, safety, and efficiency
Services we can offer with this new technology with less discomfort and decreased healing time;
.• Frenectomy • Debridement of diseased epithelial lining • Frenotomy • Incisions and draining of abscesses • Biopsy • Tissue retraction for impressions • Operculectomy • Papillectomy • Implant recovery/uncovery • Vestibuloplasty • Gingivectomy • Excision of lesions • Gingivoplasty • Exposure of unerupted teeth/partially erupted teeth • Gingival troughing • Leukoplakia • Crown lengthening • Removal of hyperplastic tissues • Removal of granulation tissue   • Laser-assisted flap surgery • Sulcular debidement (removal of diseased or inflamed soft-tissue in the periodontal pocket)

Thursday, June 6, 2019

We Now Offer Zoom Same Day Whitening

In just 1 session in the chair you can improve your smile.  Come brighten your pearly whites with us!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Don't Be Afraid Of Those Much Needed Dental Xrays....Here's Why.

© wavebreak3 / Adobe Stock

For some, a dental appointment is a fearfully, dreaded appointment; while others don’t mind or even eagerly anticipate the appointment. However, no matter which side of the fence you are on it seems to be a mutual consensus that no one enjoys dental X-rays, and many are confused why they are even necessary. Often, dental professionals are questioned about the need for dental X-rays, yet even with thorough education, many patients simply forgo X-rays to save a dollar, or because of something they read regarding their safety. Allow me to lay those suspicions and curiosities to rest.
Before we get to the good stuff, let’s just quickly touch on the subject as to why your dental professional needs X-rays in the first place. If your clinician says it’s time for bitewing X-rays, what they mean is it is time for X-rays which evaluate the bone levels around your teeth, which can become destroyed if you have gum disease, and detect cavities between the teeth; all of which cannot be seen with the naked eye. It’s better to catch gum disease or a cavity in the early stages before they progress to a point where a simple filling or a regular dental cleaning won’t suffice.
Occasionally, your dental professional may suggest taking a periapical X-ray, commonly referred to as a PA. These X-rays are single images of a tooth’s entirety – all the way from the tip of the root to the top of the tooth you see. These are unlike bitewing radiographs, which cannot see to the tip of a tooth’s root. PAs help diagnose any root anomalies such as abscesses, cysts, and tumors. If you have a toothache, a PA must be taken to help determine the cause.
Every 3-5 years, your dentist will need a full-mouth series, or FMX, which is a combination of PAs (entire X-rays of each tooth) and bitewings. It’s important for your dental professional to have a comprehensive picture of all your teeth because gum disease and cavities don’t often cause pain in the beginning stages, which is why detecting them with X-rays is imperative. Prevention, and catching any issues early, is cheaper than restoration (i.e., fillings, root canals, crowns).
Lastly, your dentist might need a panoramic X-ray every 3-5 years. This radiograph shows the entire mouth, and surrounding structures in one image, including nasal structures, sinuses and temporomandibular joints (TMJ: joint that opens and closes your jaw). This is the X-ray professionals commonly use to evaluate wisdom teeth. Beyond evaluating wisdom teeth, a panoramic X-ray captures impacted teeth, cysts, fractures, infections, and tumors. A pano can even spot a clogged carotid artery, before you may experience symptoms of an impending heart attack, which is a lifesaving find.

Many patients are concerned for their safety when exposed to radiation. Rest assured there are many other forms of radiation in life that are far worse than dental X-rays. Many you are probably completely unaware of. The maximum annual dose permitted for U.S. radiation workers is 50.0 mSv. To set the bar, let’s go ahead and reveal the dosage of the most commonly taken X-rays at your routine cleaning appointment – bitewings. The dosage of 4 bitewing radiographs taken with d-speed film (in other words not digital) is 0.038 mSv. If those bitewings are taken digitally, that dosage reduces to 0.02 mSv. Now let’s see how that measures up to other forms of radiation in life.
  • The dosage of a whole body CT scan is a whopping 10.0 mSv!
  • A mammogram packs a dosage of 0.42 mSv.
  • The average radiation in the U.S. from natural sources on an annual basis comes in at a dosage of 3.0 mSv.
  • A chest X-ray has a dosage of 0.10 mSv.
  • Radon in the average U.S. home on an annual basis is a dosage of 2.28 mSv.
  • The annual dose received by food and water (potassium) is a dosage of 0.4 mSv.
  • A cross-country flight from New York to Los Angeles comes with a dosage of 0.04 mSv.
  • Living in a brick/stone/concrete house (annual) has a dosage of 0.007 mSv.
  • Smoking one pack of cigarettes brings with it a dosage of 0.0049 mSv.
  • Eating a banana will give you a dosage of 0.0001 mSv.
Radiation comes in all shapes and forms, not just from X-ray images. You receive more radiation from a single flight across the country than with bitewing radiographs at your dental appointment! However, no one thinks twice when booking their vacation and boarding that plane. If your dental professional needs X-rays, please be comforted that he/she is not only highly educated in making the decision, but is doing so for a legitimate reason – your health. “To see is to know.  Not to see is to guess! And we won’t guess when it comes to your oral health.”

Friday, April 26, 2019

A Little Humour

Kombucha From The Dental Perspective.........Interesting.

Kombucha Is Just as Bad for You as Soda, According to Dentists

Trouble in paradise for our favorite fizzy mold tea

Apr 25 2019, 9:00am
Photo: Shutterstock
Ten years ago, it had to be so much easier to manage a dentist’s website. All you had to do was make sure that the right address was in the sidebar, upload a couple of stock photos of smiling children, and occasionally write a 500-word blog post about gingivitis that included at least one all-caps reference to the office phone number, and at least one stock photo of a smiling child.
Now, though, even dentists have to worry about CONTENT, and they have to worry about SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and they really have to worry about KOMBUCHA. Dr. Larry Molenda, a dentist in San Marcos, Texas, has an article on his website called “Kombucha and Your Tooth Enamel,” that outlines his acid-related concerns about everyone’s favorite fizzy mold tea. Wildflower Dental wrote “How Does Drinking Kombucha Affect Your Teeth?,” and San Francisco’s Glen Park Dental spends five paragraphs trying to answer the question “Is Kombucha Bad for Your Teeth?”
Well, is it? According to those three dentists (and quite a few more) the answer is, “Well, it’s definitely not great.” Salon recently spoke to a couple of other oral health professionals about its effect on our mouths, and they both cited kombucha’s acidity as a potential concern. “Kombucha is nearly as acidic as a pop and energy drinks,” Dr. Bobby J. Grossi told the outlet. “Acidic drinks mess with the pH level of the saliva which ideally should be 7 or 7.3, when the saliva level becomes more acidic it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria which can take over the mouth.”
Another tooth pro said that he’d seen ‘pitting’ on the enamel of heavy kombucha drinkers, which is superficial damage that can eventually lead to tooth decay.
In February, PopSugar also spoke to two dentists who warned about the potential damage that kombucha could cause. (If we’ve learned anything from television commercials, it’s that the third dentist—any third dentist—would disagree with the entire premise).
"The acidic pH found in kombucha also allows the 'bad' bacteria already found in your mouth to potentially create an unhealthier environment for your gums," Dr. Jeffrey Sulitzer said. "Drinking kombucha can be just as harmful for your teeth as drinking a sugary soda since the net result is lowered pH and the potential of having an increase in tooth decay and gum disease." (It’s probably worth noting that the American Dental Association shared this piece on its own Facebook page.)
It’s like you don’t even want your picture to be on a dentist’s website.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How Cannabis Might Affect Your Dental Anaesthesia

Mon Apr 15, 2019 / 4:06 PM EDT

Cannabis users may need more anesthesia for surgery

(Reuters Health) - People who regularly use cannabis may need more than twice the usual dose of anesthesia for surgery, a U.S. study suggests.

As a growing number of U.S. states legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use, more patients who use the drug are showing up in operating rooms across the country. To get a clearer picture of how cannabis impacts the effectiveness of different types of anesthesia, researchers studied 250 patients who had minimally invasive procedures requiring anesthesia in Colorado, where recreational marijuana use is legal.

Twenty-five patients, or 10 percent, said they regularly used cannabis. Compared to other patients, cannabis users needed more than twice as much of the anesthetic propofol, the study found. Cannabis users also needed 14 percent more of the analgesic fentanyl and 20 percent more of the sedative midazolam. "Cannabis users cannot assume that their use will have no effects on their medical care," said lead study author Dr. Mark Twardowski of Western Medical Associates in Grand Junction, Colorado.

"Clearly the fact that use affects the effectiveness of these three medicines certainly raises myriad questions about potential effects on other medications (pain medicines, anxiety medicines etc.)," Twardowski said by email.

"Because cannabis has such a long life in the body, it may take months to ameliorate the effect," Twardowski said. "Patients absolutely need to inform their providers about cannabis use prior to any procedure."

Most of the patients in the study underwent colonoscopies.

More research is needed to confirm these preliminary results in a larger population of cannabis users and in patients undergoing a wider variety of surgeries, the study authors note.

One limitation of the study is the possibility that some cannabis users might not have disclosed this, leaving this information out of the medical records researchers used for their analysis. Even though recreational marijuana is legal where the study was done, stigma may have stopped some people from reporting it, researchers note in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.

But the results still suggest that doctors need to consider cannabis use when planning patient care and assessing medication needs, the study team writes.

"There is only a problem if patients do not tell their doctors that they are consuming cannabis and if doctors do not know the consequences of cannabis use for anesthesia," said Dr. Winfried Hauser of Klinikum Saarbrucken in Germany.

"Most probably, the number of patients which require increased dosages of anesthetics because of recreational and /or medical use of cannabis will increase due to the legalization of medical or recreational marijuana," Hauser, who wasn't involved in the study, said by email.

For dental procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction, when anaesthesia may be used, please inform your doctor of your cannabis use prior to surgery.